Skladová logistika
Section of storage logistic Mělník deals particularly with storage different kinds of commodities, including dangerous goods. However, an exception is not storage of difficult handled goods and over-measurements goods.
The following storage premises are available:
Storage No. 1 - storage area with the wire-concrete floor with acreage of 2 840 m². The storage is fitted from both sides with a loading ramp and adjacent tracks, which enables loading and un-loading from the trucks as well as railway cars. It is accessible from one side also for vessels from the river basin and a it is possible to un-load plece goods directly from vessels into the storage. Inside the stock, a bridge crane with tonnage of 10 tons is situated which overhangs from both sides above the adjacent tracks. The storage is also adjusted for loading of bulk goods from big bag into the road or railway tankers. It is used especially for storage of different kinds of piece goods and machinery facilities.
Storage No. 9 - storage area with the wire-concrete floor with acreage of 1 350 m². The storage is fitted with a loading ramp for loading and un-loading from trucks and containers. It Is mainly used for storage of piece goods of different commodities.
Storage No. 10 - storage area with concrete floor with acreage of 2 000 m². The stock is fitted with a ramp from both sides. An adjacent siding tracks and water course are situated from one side. As follows from the facts mentioned above, this storage can be used for handling and storage of piece goods and in connection to all kinds of transport. The storage is also fitted with special facility for tranship of bulk materials from the big bag into railway as well as tanker vehicles
Storage Maglička - storage area with tarmac floor with acreage of 3 280 m². The storage Is divided into three storage parts which are fitted with bridge cranes wit a particular tonnage of 5 tons. The storage is also rideable for road and railway vehicles, the loading and un-loading of which can be carried out directly inside the storage. It is suitable for storage especially of products of steel industry, as is for instance steel profiles, table sheet metal in the scroll, pipes and machinery facilities. It is also used for handling and storage of structures, heavy items, granite, marble etc.
We also dispose of some smaller storage for piece goods with acreage of 300 - 500 m²
Concrete storage area with acreage of approx. 20 000 m² is available for storage of heavy and over-measurement shipments.
In connection to storage of the goods mentioned above, we carry out a scale of services associated with It. It particularly concerns loading and un-loading of the goods from and into all means of transport, inciuding their fixation, signing, issuing of shipment documents etc.
By implication, customs services of any kind (clearing into free circulation, transit regime, storage in the customs storage, and so on), storage evidence, stock-taking of goods, issuing of documentation to incoming and outgoing shipments, photo-documentation and reports on damages by the pertinent damaged parties or defective shipments, putting into palettes and foliation of goods and other services according to the needs and wishes of customers are performed. Besides services which were mentioned above, we ensure all kinds of carriage (road, railway, sea, river and multimodal).
Port Mělník,
Section of storage logistic
tel.: +420 315 643 101 , 105
fax.: +420 315 643 104